Wednesday, 24 August 2016

How to add footer in SharePoint 2013 Master page

Summary : How to add footer Message in SharePoint 2013,add footer in SharePoint 2013 Master page

In this post, we will look at an example of how to add a footer message in SharePoint 2013 Master page using SharePoint Designer 2013. (I am adding the footer in "oslo.master" page in this example)

Lets look at the detailed steps below –
  1. Open the site in SharePoint 2013 Designer and then select “Master Pages” in the left Navigation.
  2. Select the oslo.master (Please save copy of it before editing)
  3. Now open oslo.master for editing
  4. To specify custom footer, replace the block
<SharePoint:AjaxDelta id="DeltaPlaceHolderFooter" BlockElement="true" runat="server">
   <SharePoint:DelegateControl runat="server" ControlId="PageFooter" AllowMultipleControls="false" />

with below

<SharePoint:AjaxDelta id="DeltaPlaceHolderFooter" BlockElement="true" runat="server">
  <%--SharePoint:DelegateControl runat="server" ControlId="PageFooter" AllowMultipleControls="false" /--%>
   <div id="footer" class="noindex">
       <p style="text-align:center;">Some fancy footer is displayed here.</p>

That's it!! :)

How to hide "recent" in the navigation (SharePoint 2013)

Hey folks,

I have found an out of the box solution.

Try below actions:

  1. *Settings -> Site contents
  2. *Site permissions
  3. *Create Group
  4. Make a new group with no permissions.
  5. Delete all users from the group.
  6. *Settings -> Site contents
  7. *Navigation
  8. Select the "Recent" heading
  9. *Click on Edit
  10. Set Audience = the group from step 4
  11. *OK
  12. *OK

BINGO!! :)
Now only members of a group, with no members, are able to see the "Recent" heading.